Claims Filing

All claims for benefits must be submitted on claim forms on this website or made available by the Fund Office or the Third Party Administrator. Claims must be accompanied by any information or proof requested and reasonably required to process claims including your name, address, and Daniel H. Cook ID/subscriber number.

With respect to any benefits payable to a deceased covered member upon their date of death, or with respect to death benefits payable by virtue of the death of the covered member where the covered member’s designated beneficiary has predeceased the covered member and as successor has not been designated, or where the covered member has not designated a beneficiary, then these benefits will be made payable to the first surviving class of the following classes of successive preference beneficiaries:

The covered member’s

a.    Surviving spouse;

b.    If no surviving spouse, to the surviving children equally; or

c.    If no surviving children, to the surviving parent(s), equally or

d.    If no surviving parent(s), to the surviving sibling(s), equally; or

e.    If no surviving sibling(s), to the covered member’s estate.