The AHRC Plant Sales

Founded in 1949, the Suffolk AHRC (Association for the Help of Retarded Children) provides educational, residential, day care and work programs for persons with mental retardation. AHRC has schools, day habilitation centers, community residences and on- and off-premises employment opportunities that provide a comprehensive range of programs and services to people with mental retardation.

Every semester the Ammerman and Grant campuses conduct plant sales to raise money for the Suffolk AHRC. The plants are grown at Flowerfield Gardens, AHRC's 2.1 acre nursery and retail garden shop located in Holtsville. Faculty volunteers and AHRC staff sell a wide variety of plants and homemade knick-knacks.

Since begining our partnership with AHRC in 2004 the Faculty Association has helped raised nearly $40,000 for AHRC. Mohini Ratna and Bruce Seger (picture to the left) are showing off some of the AHRC merchandise that was sold at the Grant Campus.