Employee Medical Health Plan (EMHP) |
They allow our professional workforce to focus on its professional responsibilities knowing that, should they need medical or health-related care, those needs will be covered. Basic health benefits for active and retired members include major medical, hospitalization, mental health and substance abuse, and prescription drugs. These benefits are covered through the self-insured Employee Medical Health Plan of Suffolk County (EMHP) that has been negotiated between Suffolk County and the eleven county municipal unions, which includes the FA. As part of these negotiations, each member union has a representative on the labor/management committee that meets monthly to oversee the health benefits program, address appeals, and monitor providers and consultants to the program. The EMHP Benefits Booklet, plan providers, forms, and All Employee Memoranda detailing aspects of the EMHP plan may be found at www.emhp.org. You may also review the most recent memorandum of agreement between the County of Suffolk and the county unions. All Employee Memorandums