JEDI Journey
The JEDI Institute invites participants on a journey in which we encourage them to reflect on themselves, on who our students are, and on our institution—and then to develop a professional development project aimed at making our college more just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive.
The JEDI project itself has come along a journey. Brainstormed into being by Cynthia Eaton, Christina Vargas, and Patty Munsch in April to May 2021, the initial pilot project took place from summer 2021 to spring 2022, with an official launch prepared for summer 2022.
You can learn more abou the origins, purpose, and goals of our JEDI Institute as described in a conference presentation offered by Cynthia Eaton, Patty Munsch, Christina Vargas, Jennifer Browne, Courtney Brewer, and Lauren Liburd for the National Collective Bargaining Conference in April 2022.
Panel: Becoming JEDI: Labor-Management Strategy to Challenge Racism on Campus and Stem Community College Enrollment Decline (NCBC 2022) |
In addition, executive board member Carl Coulanges has begun developing a series of JEDI Journey videos for us. The first episodes are below.
JEDI Journey Episode 1: Christina Vargas
JEDI Journey Episode 2: Melissa Adeyeye
JEDI Journey Episode 3: Tom Flesher
JEDI Journey Episode 4: By Design, The History of Oppression