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September 2024


FYI: Highlights from the Executive Council and other news of note


  chalkboard on a string that says
image by No_Longer_Here
  • NEW! FA hosting office hours this year: As noted by Dante in his cover story, for one of our Local Action Project initiatives the FA will begin hosting office hours each month both on Zoom and on each of the campuses. We encourage members to attend to let us know your ideas, issues and concerns or to ask questions about the FA. Watch for an upcoming email with details, and dates and times are as follows:
  • Wed, 9/25, 12:30 p.m. — Ammerman (room TBA)
  • Fri, 9/27, 10 a.m. — Zoom
  • Wed, 10/16, 12:30 p.m. Grant (room TBA)
  • Fri, 10/18, 10 a.m. — Zoom
  • Wed, 11/13, 12:30 p.m. — Eastern (room TBA)
  • Fri, 11/15, 10 a.m. — Zoom
  • Sabbatical applications: Sabbatical applications are due on October 15. Please read the article about sabbaticals in this issue—Sabbaticals and the deep blue sea—for workshop information and contact Cynthia Eaton if you have questions about applying.

  • Pay date information: According to payroll, there will be seven adjunct/overload paychecks on the following dates: 10/3, 10/17, 10/31, 11/14, 11/28, 12/12 and 12/26.

    For early end classes, pay dates are 10/3, 10/17, 10/31, 11/14. For late start classes, pay dates are 11/14, 11/28, 12/12 and 12/26.

    Full-time faculty who are promoted on 9/1/24 will receive their promotion bonuses (5% of base salary) in a separate check on 10/10.

  • Adjunct/overload pay rates: Below are current pay rates by contact hour.

    PA 1 $1,111
    PA 2 $1,229
    specialist 1 $1,315
    specialist 2 $1,415
    instructor $1,455
    assistant professor $1,577
    associate professor $1,690
    professor $1,854

September 2, 2024 Labor Day
November 11, 2024 Veterans Day
November 28, 2024 Thanksgiving Day
November 29, 2024 Thanksgiving
December 24, 2024 Christmas Eve
December 25, 2024 Christmas Day
January 1, 2025 New Year’s Day
January 20, 2025 Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday
February 17, 2025 President’s Day
May 26, 2025 Memorial Day
June 19, 2025 Juneteenth
July 4, 2025 Independence Day (12-month faculty)


  • Budget, along with post-it notes, FA notepad, and calculator
    The FA budget is presented by FA Treasurer Pete DiGregorio and approved by the Executive Council every year. (photo by Cynthia Eaton)
    Annual FA budget and dues information: In keeping with his duties as treasurer, Pete DiGregorio presented to the Executive Council (EC) a proposed annual budget developed in collaboration with the budget committee. The proposed budget for 2024-25 was presented, discussed and approved unanimously the EC during our meeting on August 22, 2024. You can access it here: 2024-25 Approved FA Budget. In addition, Pete hereby notifies the membership of the 2024-25 Dues Payment information.

  • The WORD editorial policy: The WORD is the voice of our local. This is our primary vehicle for bringing members, on a regular basis, the views and actions of the leaders. Throughout the publication will be descriptions and reports on the union’s programs, positions and politics as well as showing the variety of ways dues are expended. It is our intent to publish 6 to 8 issues per year.

    This newsletter, unlike a newspaper, is not designed to have a letters to the editor column nor does it accept an advertisement unless it has been screened and approved as a member benefit by NYSUT or AFT. The FA receives a rebate for each NYSUT/AFT ad it runs in an issue of The WORD.

    The WORD is also the voice of its membership. Articles about the FA, its membership and their concerns are welcome. All articles should contribute positively to the welfare of the FA and its members. We will not accept partisan articles or articles which attack any union leader or member. We accept thoughtful discussions of issues of concern to FA members. We reserve the right to edit articles not only for space and content but also those that seem to reflect a misunderstanding of the union and its policies or those which contain misinformation.

    The editors are the final authority for all editorial decisions. In the event of any inadvertent misstatement or factual error, the correction will be made in the next issue of The WORD.