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September 2024


Executive Council vacancies: Step up to support colleagues
Cynthia Eaton


  Post-It note that says nomination
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“We forget at times,” acknowledges Sharadha Sambasivan who teaches chemistry at Ammerman, “to see the difficulties some of our fellow members, especially new faculty, face here at SCCC.” When you have been teaching here for a long time, you can forget what it feels like coming up through the ranks.

Serving as one of our newer Executive Council (EC) representatives, Sharadha says she is happy to take on the role. “I got tremendous help from my EC rep during the promotion process. Their presence during my faculty observation strengthened my confidence to teach. Being an EC rep, I am excited to reciprocate all the help I got from FA in my life at SCCC.”

Assistant Professor of Engineering Stephanie Taboada joined the EC at the same time as Sharadha and agrees that FA service matters. The engineering and cybersecurity department at Ammerman is relatively small, and the faculty are busy leading students through very proscribed, lock-step type programs. However, Stephanie still is happy to take on this leadership role. “I wanted to get more involved with the FA and college community,” she explains, “and help to ensure a fair and supportive work environment.”

Supporting colleagues—that gets right to the heart of what EC reps do. We are grateful to the following five individuals who were elected to serve as EC reps in spring 2024. Please join us in congratulating and thanking them for representing their colleagues in the following constituencies:

  • Full-time faculty at Ammerman in Biology and Physical Sciences — Sharadha Sambasivan
  • Full-time faculty at Ammerman in Engineering, Computer Science and Industrial Technology — Stephanie Taboada
  • Full-time faculty at Ammerman in English — Emily Lauer  
  • Adjunct faculty in Business, Accounting, Communication Studies and Telecommunications — Brian DeMasi
  • Adjunct faculty in Science, Engineering and Automotive — Mary Griffin

Current vacancies

We still have a few EC vacancies for which we are running elections in keeping with our Election Procedures. The EC meets monthly on Zoom during the academic year, typically on the second Thursday at 3:45 p.m. The call for nominations in the following areas areas will be emailed to each constituency listed below. If you are a member of one of these constituencies and would like to learn more about being an EC rep or run for the position, watch for the email or simply email me.

College-wide adjunct reps

  • Mathematics
  • Social Sciences
  • Foreign Languages, ESL, ASL, Reading
  • PAs & Specialists in Instructional Labs

Full-time reps

  • PAs & Specialists in Technical Areas and Instructional Centers
  • Social Sciences at the Grant Campus

Election timeline

For uncontested positions, the timeline ends on October 7 with the nominee’s acceptance of their nomination. For any contested positions, the entire timeline applies and we will conduct the elections either on campus or by mail ballot in keeping with our Election Procedures provisions.

  • 9/9 — Call for nominations
  • 9/30 — Close of nominations
  • 10/7 — Accept/decline deadline
  • 10/15 — Ballots distributed
  • 11/1 — Close of voting 12 p.m. and ballot counting 12:30 p.m.
  • 11/14 — EC certification vote
  • 12/12 — New EC rep terms begin

The EC functions best with all positions filled, and our active, engaged reps keeping members’ concerns front and center so we can address them to the best of our ability. A strong EC is at the core of our strong union! Thank you again to the five reps above who were elected in spring 2024 and let’s work to fill the current vacancies.