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September 2024


Adjunct update: Stay in the know
Kim Ng Southard


  A screenshot of the October page of our 2024-25 wall calendar
As our FA wall calendar shows, the FA offers a variety of meetings and resources specifically for adjunct colleagues so they can stay in the know and get to know their union better. (photo by Cynthia Eaton)

Greetings to all!

Let’s get ready for a successful and smooth semester. The FA thanks you in advance for all the hard work you will put in to create a supportive environment for the students this fall.

This update covers adjunct promotion workshops, professional development and important dates.

New adjunct orientation

I had the pleasure of meeting and welcoming 25+ new adjunct hires at the August 22 new adjunct orientation. They are an engaged and positive group of faculty members, so please reach out and welcome them if you meet them on your campus. I reiterated that should they have any questions to reach out to me or one of the other officers—and above all that we are here to support them and we have their backs.

I presented them with the new member survival kit filled with fun and light items to get them through their first week. The kit also included an FA bookmark and the adjunct rights and benefits brochure.

Urging them to join our union if they had not already, I outlined the major benefits that adjunct members gain once they become a member of the FA:

  • FA members can attend union events and meetings
  • Only FA members may vote in union elections and on our proposed contract
  • FA members are guaranteed union representation at observations, disciplinary hearings and Title IX investigations
  • FA members gain access to our NYSUT labor relations specialist as well as no-cost arbitration
  • FA members are automatically members of NYSUT, AFT, NEA and AFL-CIO and thus entitled to all their benefit programs
  • Joining the FA shows solidarity with your peers.

The union representation and LRS/arbitration benefits may be crucial during hearings and disciplinary investigations that threaten your employment. Speaking of which, I encourage you to attend, if at all possible, our 9/13 workshop titled “Navigating Controversial Topics on Campus.” It will be held on a Friday morning, which I know can be problematic for some of our adjunct colleagues. But if you are able to attend, the workshop can help you better understand your freedom of speech rights and responsibilities as well as techniques for managing hot moments in your classrooms and workspaces.

If you are not an FA member, I urge you to call the FA office at 631-451-4151 to obtain a membership form.

Adjunct promotion workshops

We will host two adjunct promotion workshops in September that cover requirements, process and strategies for attaining your next promotion. Even if you are not eligible for promotion this semester, we urge you to attend to prepare for the process. There will be an in-person workshop on Tuesday, September 17, at 5 p.m. on the Ammerman Campus and a Zoom workshop at 11 a.m. on Friday, September 20. Invitations will be emailed in the next week or two.

FA office hours and the adjunct meet & greet

Please come to our new FA office hours for the fall semester to meet with me or other FA officers to ask questions and discuss your ideas.

  • Wed, 9/25, 12:30 p.m. — Ammerman (room TBA)
  • Fri, 9/27, 10 a.m. — Zoom
  • Wed, 10/16, 12:30 p.m. Grant (room TBA)
  • Fri, 10/18, 10 a.m. — Zoom
  • Wed, 11/13, 12:30 p.m. — Eastern (room TBA)
  • Fri, 11/15, 10 a.m. — Zoom

We will also host an officer meet & greet dedicated solely for our adjunct colleagues, to be held on Zoom on September 7 at 5 p.m. This meeting is an informal collegial conversation for members to share their stories with each other and the FA officers and to ask questions.

Invitations for our FA office hours and the meet & greet will follow in the first weeks of the semester. I hope to see you there.

Professional development fund

Take advantage of the adjunct faculty development fund and apply for funding for both in-person and virtual conferences. Of the $50,000 fund, at most $25,000 will be awarded in the fall semester, and adjuncts can apply for up to $750 for conference registration and travel each academic year.

Submit your forms
 to the Office of Faculty and Professional Advancement before this first-come, first-served funding runs out.

Important dates

Take note of the following important dates and deadlines on your FA wall calendar, which will be distributed to all campus adjunct offices soon.

  • Tue, 9/17, 5 p.m. — Adjunct promotion workshop — Ammerman (room TBA)
  • Fri, 9/20, 11 a.m. — Adjunct promotion workshop — Zoom
  • Mon, 10/7, 5 p.m. — Adjunct meet & greet — Zoom
  • Mon, 10/14 —  Adjunct NORA forms available for winter/spring
  • Tue, 10/29 —  Adjunct NORA forms due for winter/spring

Other items to know

FA wall calendars will be available in the adjunct offices on each campus sometime during the first two weeks of the semester. However, you can also access the pdf of the calendar on the FA website.

We ask that you update your contact information with the FA ( or 631-451-4151), and we prefer to communicate with members using non-SCCC email. Without your correct information, we are not able to contact you.

Don’t hesitate to contact me at if you have questions regarding the above or any other union-related issues.

I wish you all a fabulous fall 2024 semester.
