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February 2025


Nominate your colleagues for their outstanding work
Nicolas Pestieau


  dictionary definition of excellent
Each spring the FA awards committee reviews nominations and select recipients of our FA Member Excellence Awards. We know you have colleagues who merit recognition for their good work! Use the form below to let our committee know about them by March 14. (photo by Feng Yu)

On behalf of the FA awards committee, I am happy to announce the call for nominations for the 2025 FA Member Excellence Awards.

This year, your nominations are due Friday, March 14, and we will celebrate our award recipients later in the spring semester. The awards committee works to recognize and celebrate the valuable work done by members in the following areas:

  • Outstanding Mentoring  
  • Excellence in Adjunct Service
  • Community Outreach & Social Justice  
  • Excellence in Service to the FA

We are proud to have been able to celebrate 20 of our outstanding members during the first four years of this award. Please visit the FA member exellence awards page to read their profiles in The WORD and learn about members who have already been honored. We are eager to see all the new nominations this spring! Award recipients will be honored at a ceremony later in the semester, receive a custom-engraved award and also have their own profile published in The WORD.

Please nominate a deserving colleague! Below is a description and a list of criteria for each award. Any full-time member who has served the college for at least two consecutive years at the time of nomination is eligible, and any adjunct member who has served the collee for at least semesters total is eligible. Self-nominations are accepted. To nominate one member for more than one award, you must submit separate forms for each award.

Before March 14, use the 2025 FA awards committee nominations form to let us know which FA members you believe deserve recognition and celebration this year and contact me if you have questions.



Outstanding Mentoring


For FA members who demonstrate evidence of outstanding mentoring toward peers and/or students. Candidates should demonstrate involvement in programs or activities that enhance professional growth within members of the college community. Evidence of going above and beyond to make a positive impact for students or peers must be demonstrated in areas including but not limited to the following:

  • Programs that support professional growth
  • Pathways to increase involvement at the college
  • Leadership roles assisting others in building their skills or increasing familiarity with the college environment
  • New member efforts to foster positive growth.

Excellence in Service to the FA


For FA members who have shown consistent activity in the FA (e.g. participated in advocacy events on behalf of the FA, volunteered for ballot counting or other FA activities, etc.), have held at least one leadership position within the FA (e.g. EC representative, committee chair, NYSUT/AFT delegate, etc.), or have contributed to the union in other ways.

Community Outreach & Social Justice


For FA members participating in outreach that improves the lives of people on Long Island. Nominees for this award should demonstrate leadership or engagement with initiatives addressing social justice at SCCC and/or the county at large. Initiatives and outreach could address any of the following or similar issues: 

  • Domestic Abuse
  • Substance Abuse
  • Education Justice
  • Hunger and Poverty
  • Immigration Reform
  • Labor Solidarity
  • Racial Justice / Support for Human Rights
  • Women’s Issues
  • LGBTQ Solidarity

Excellence in Adjunct Service


For adjunct FA members with at least two semesters of service who have been particularly active in their service to the college. Through exemplary service, nominees for this award should demonstrate a dedication to furthering the mission of the college and the community that it serves. Demonstration of these services might include but is not limited to the following:

  • Outstanding dedication to student success within the classroom
  • Involvement in student learning and development opportunities outside of the classroom
  • Excellence beyond the formal role of teacher in advising or mentoring individual students or student groups
  • Outstanding commitment to enhancing a culture of inclusive excellence at the college and within our community.