Kim Ng Southard
Welcome back, adjuncts! I hope your spring semester started well and your schedule and duties are running smoothly. New Adjunct OrientationRight before the semester began, I welcomed new adjuncts to SCCC and the FA at the spring 2020 new adjunct orientation. My presentation focused on the reasons it is so important to join a union:
I also highlighted the following benefits offered to SCCC adjuncts:
I urge any adjunct who is not currently a member to join the FA—to ensure representation at any disciplinary hearings and to be eligible for the adjunct Benefit Fund benefits and adjunct NYSUT/AFT benefits. One adjunct who understands the benefit of union membership is our EC rep Marcial Gallimore. Gallimore notes, "I have been a member of the FA since I was hired as an adjunct six years ago. Membership is important because we stand together as issues arise that affect equality and fairness in the workplace." I'd like to congratulate Marcial on receiving two awards recently: the MLK Jr. Meritorious Service Award from the First Baptist Church of Riverhead as well as a certificate of appreciation from the Town of Babylon. Congrats, Marcial!
Contract NewsMoving on to contract negotiations, I am pleased to announce that the FA and the college passed a three-year contract proposal that includes 2%, 2.5% and 2.5% increases for adjunct/overload rates at each respective year and increases the contribution to the adjunct faculty development and retraining fund to $50,000/year by the end of the contract. The FA now awaits approval from the Suffolk County Legislature. Stay tuned. Collegewide SeniorityWith continuing low enrollment and course cancelations, adjuncts are being offered fewer assignments. Remember that adjunct seniority is collegewide. So, if you don’t receive an assignment, contact your academic chair or supervisor to see if there is anything available to you on another campus that you have listed on your NORA within your stated time preferences. Upcoming Adjunct Deadlines