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June 2016


Leadership appreciation dinner held on June 1
Cynthia Eaton


Bright smiles complemented the bright sunshine during the FA's leadership appreciation dinner on June 1 at Bellport Country Club.

The annual appreciation event recognizes and celebrates the many individuals who help make the FA work, including Executive Council reps, FA mentors and their assigned new faculty, College Personnel Committee reps and coordinators of special initiatives such as Professors on Wheels and the New Member Program.

The FA thanks every single one of them for their dedication to union activism this year!

joyce new members
Kevin Peterman thanks Joyce Gabriele for her 26 years of service as treasurer.
New members Paul Wu (Networking) and Ivonne Cummings (Continuing Ed) are all smiles.
group maureen sandford
FA activists, clockwise from left: Marshal Stein, Joan Cook, Priscilla Pratt, Kerry Carlson, Pete DiGregorio, Mike Simon and Deb Kiesel.
Kevin Peterman thanks Maureen Sandford for her 12 years of service as an EC rep.
(all photos by Dante Morelli)