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May 2024

What are your plans this summer?

NYSUT Member Benefits


NYSUT Member Benefits offers a variety of endorsed programs and services that can help you enjoy today, while planning for tomorrow.

As a NYSUT member, you have access to participate in a number of programs and services endorsed by NYSUT Member Benefits. These products have been carefully cultivated to provide members with quality programs at competitive prices, including insurance programs to help you protect your family; legal and financial plans to help you plan for the future; and shopping, travel and personal services to help save you money.

Member Benefits also offers a number of benefits available free of charge to members such as the premium Calm service, Peer Support Line, Financial Learning Center and more.

Participation in our endorsed programs features the added protection of having a trusted advocate on your side. Our staff take great pride in stepping in to support members with any questions, concerns or issues that may arise.