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May 2024

Congratulations on member promotions!

Courtney Brewer


Executive Vice President Courtney Brewer is all smiles every time she submits the annual lists of member promotions. Courtney spends hours assisting members with their promotion questions and application drafts to ensure the highest possible success rate for member promotions, which is consistently higher than 95%. Congratulations to all of our adjunct and full-time members who were promoted this academic year! (photo by Cynthia Eaton)

I invite everyone to join me in congratulating our adjunct and full-time faculty who were recently notified that they have earned their promotion in rank this spring! We also celebrate our adjunct faculty who were notified last fall of their success in the promotion process.

It brings us such joy in the FA to see these lists of successful promotions. We know that our members work hard, semester after semester, and we know that some days are harder than others. Yet for the sake of our students, you push on to give them the best educational experience possible.

Such happy news is a wonderful way to head into the summer months, knowing that these colleagues will join us in September with their new rank in place. Job well done!

To Professor

Susan Koukounas
Thomas Law
Kathryn O’Donoghue
Keith Perrucci
Matthew Zisel

To Associate Professor

Meghan DeMayo-Dalen
Thomas Flesher
Marlene Kellner
Aimee Mattiolo
Marta Szpak
Nicholas Ullrich

To Assistant Professor

Jennifer Canavan
John Capurso
Chiara Castilla-Brooks

To Specialist 2

Edward Champ
James Werner

To Professional Assistant 2

Maria Mesimeris

To Adjunct Professor

Lisa Bergman
Stephen Clark
Margery Gosnell-Qua
Salvatore LaTorre
Raymond Martinez
Jed Myers
Matthew Okerblom

To Adjunct Associate Professor

John Krueger
Christopher Krietsch
Mary McGlone
Michael McKenna
Magdalena Nawrocka
Thaddeus Nelson
Frank Shih
Michael Maneri
Xaio-Hing Yu

To Adjunct Assistant Professor

Honi Aumiller
Carmen Bassaragh
Brian Bennett
Patrick Berran
Tara Comiskey
Kathleen Durante
Kristen Hoffman
Diane Holliday
Marissa Hoogsteden
Pamela Kallimanis
Annelies Kamran
Annmarie LaRosa
Robert Matarazzo
Jason Mitcham
Karen Raffel
Philip Schuler
Mary Sullivan

To Adjunct Professional Assistant 2

Lester Corrian
Mary Dernbach
Thomas Fallon
Kailyn Giaccone
Leonard Horowitz
Karen Poidomani

Finally, the promotion process is, of course, just beginning for our full-time faculty who are currently in the process of submitting their cover sheets for their applications, or A-forms.

For those who submitted their cover sheet by May 15, remember that your completed application is due by June 17. As always, I am happy to help with draft copies of completed applications, so if you have anything you’d like me to look at, please forward it as soon as possible.

Our promotions guidebook is available on our FA website and will be a useful resource to anyone applying or thinking about applying in the future. It’s never to early to start preparing! Contact me with any questions or concerns.