April 2021
There's much to cover in this month's adjunct update. Survey The adjunct task force, after much deliberation and with the help of NYSUT’s Joan Rogers-Harrington, created a survey to gather information to better represent adjunct colleagues during the next contract negotiations beginning fall 2022. The survey should arrive in your email box no later than May 1, and we urge you to take the time to fill it out and voice your valued opinions on adjunct issues. The deadline for the survey is May 28 to give you ample time to complete it. The more information we collect, the more aware the negotiating team will be regarding your needs and concerns. The FA looks forward to your input and is excited to hear your responses. Efforts I am amazed at the outstanding work you are doing at the college and in the classroom to provide our students an excellent education despite the continued chaos created by Covid. Many of our non-instructional members have been on campus working harder than ever to provide the students with the services they need to succeed in their studies, and I have observed several classroom members connecting with and inspiring students during Zoom and Blackboard Collaborate sessions this year. Your efforts are noticed, and the FA is grateful for your service. NORA NORAs were due on April 16, and you should have noticed the addition of the fourth campus preference. The FA successfully worked with Adjunct Services to broaden your availability for assignments. If you missed the NORA deadline, you most likely won’t get an assignment due to low enrollment. However, you can still request to be put on the late list with Adjunct Services. Assignments will be posted on April 30 and the accept/decline deadline is May 14. Seniority Several members have contacted me and the FA office this semester still worried about the effect on seniority if you miss a semester. While I covered this issue in the October 2020 adjunct update, I think it is worthwhile to revisit it to allay any fears. Remember, if you miss a semester, you don't "go down" in seniority. However, you might lose your seniority to an adjunct who is tied with you in semesters and surpasses you by one semester completed, or you could lose your seniority to an adjunct who now ties you for semesters completed and has completed more credit hours than you. Contact information Please update your contact information with the FA if you have changed your home address, email address or phone number since you started at the college. Without the correct contact information, the FA cannot send you the survey, election materials, The WORD or other important updates, and we may not be able to contact you. Send your updated contact information to Anita in the FA office. Important dates
Contact me immediately if you have any questions regarding the survey, seniority, assignments or any other concerns you may have regarding the FA or the college. Best, Kim |