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June 2019

Congrats to Sam Gonzalez

Kevin McCoy


  Sam Gonzalez
The FA political action committee screened the two candidates in a special election for the Suffolk County Legislature's 9th District on February 7, 2019. Shown above left is Sam Gonzalez, who was elected in that position. At right is Kevin Peterman, past president of the FA. (photo by Dante Morelli)

Congratulations to newly elected Suffolk County Legislator Samuel Gonzalez

This past March, the FA screened the candidates who were running in Suffolk County’s 9th Legislative District. This special election was needed to replace Monica Martinez, who was elected to the New York State Senate the previous November. 

Endorsing Sam was an easy choice.  Sam was a long time union activist and president of IBEW’s Local 1430 in Westchester.

Sam overwhelmingly won the special election. He has already been appointed chair of the Suffolk County Legislature’s Education & Human Services Committee

The FA looks forward to work closely with Sam to ensure that Suffolk County residents can continue to receive a high quality, low cost education at Suffolk County Community College.