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September 2017

Welcome, new members! Join us for a bagel brunch

Cynthia Eaton


new member bagel brunches
New members and their assigned FA mentors are strongly encouraged to attend the bagel brunch on their campus: Ammerman 10/11, Grant 10/18 and Eastern 10/25.

The national trend is for colleges and universities to not replace full-time faculty when they retire or leave to take on another position. SCCC has experienced some of that as well, but the trend seems to be reversing. This is a great sign for the well being of our entire institution.

Therefore it brings me great pleasure to welcome the following individuals who were hired into their current positions this calendar year.

We look forward to working with them as they move through the promotion ranks and rely on the FA’s workshops and programs to fund their ongoing professional development.


  1. Carl Corry, English
  2. Jason Englert, Mathematics
  3. Susan Frank, Cybersecurity
  4. Susan Koukounas, Mathematics
  5. Kim Mokarry, Financial Aid
  6. Elaine Perdomo, Campus Activities
  7. Elyse Quirk, Veterans Affairs
  8. Cheo Teng, Computer Science
  9. Nicholas Ulrich, Psychology
  10. Kevin Wirth, Computer Information Systems


  1. Fiona Grady, ETU
  2. Daniel Lauteman, Student Services
  3. Christine Micelli, Student Services
  4. Marta Szpak, Mathematics
  5. Chris Tempera, Campus Activities
  6. Susan Voorhees, Reading


  1. Jamie Aridas, Veterans Affairs
  2. Johanna Boutcher, ETU
  3. Paulette Brinka, Communication
  4. Kathleen Flynn-Bisson, Chemical Dependency
  5. Daniel Hassler, Dental Hygiene
  6. James Leopard, HVAC
  7. Matthew Moore, Admissions
  8. William Phelps, Vet Science
  9. Carissa Scarfi, Counseling
  10. Gary Senia, Biology
  11. William Silverman, English
  12. Susan Smoller, Chemical Dependency
  13. Jennifer Tonso, Reading
  14. Kenneth Williams, Criminal Justice


  1. Alyssa Amodeo, Academic Affairs
  2. Joan Cook, Library
  3. Akilah Lovell, Continuing Ed
  4. Isaac Oddoye, Institutional Research
  5. Jill Santiago, Center for Social Justice and Human Understanding

If there’s a new member in your area, please remind them that we’re holding new member bagel brunches on these dates during common hour:

  • Ammerman 10/11
  • Grant 10/18
  • Eastern 10/25