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December 2019

FA exceeds Making Strides goal

Cynthia Eaton


This year's TEAM FA at the Eastern Campus Making Strides Against Breast Cancer included, from bottom left, Cynthia Eaton (kneeling), Tony Greifenstein, Courtney Brewer, Dante Morelli, Kim Ng Southard, Joan Cook, student Bethany Vogel, Natalia Spzak, Marta Spzak, Anita Greifenstein, Jane-Marie Wright, Johanna Boutcher and Mary Schafer (kneeling).

The rainy, dreary, damp Sunday weather didn't deter TEAM FA. We exceeded our $1,000 goal, and there's still time to donate.

Lest I forget, here's where you can do that:

TEAM FA once again participated in the annual Making Strides event, for which our state parent union—New York State United Teachers—is a major supporter.

In the past we drove out to the massive Making Strides event at Jones Beach every year, joining tens of thousands of walkers from other NYSUT locals and teams from Long Island. But several years ago, the American Cancer Society decided to open a smaller Making Strides event on Eastern Long Island right on our Eastern Campus to accommodate survivors and supporters from the easternmost points of the north and south forks.

For the first year or two, we walked both walks (held two Sundays in a row). This year we decided to focus all of our efforts on the Eastern Campus event. While we typically see as many as four thousand walkers at Eastern, this year's weather resulted in only about one quarter of that number.

But TEAM FA was there. We don't let a little thing like rain prevent us from doing our good work.