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September 2015

Ellen Schuler Mauk receives Presidential Medallion

Cynthia Eaton


Ellen Schuler Mauk
Ellen Schuler Mauk, past president of the FA (second from left), was awarded a Presidential Medallion at this year's Convocation in recognition of her decades of service to the college. With Schuler Mauk are, from left, VP for Academic Affairs Suzanne Johnson, SCCC President Shaun McKay and Board of Trustees Chair Theresa Sanders. (photo by Victoria Pendzick)

At the August 27, 2015, Convocation, immediate past president of the FA Ellen Schuler Mauk was surprised to receive a Presidential Medallion from SCCC President Shaun McKay.

She also received a lengthy standing ovation from the audience.

In attendance to receive recognition as Professor Emeritus, Schuler Mauk was visibly taken aback by the additional honor. She told the audience that she only looked good because of the good work, dedication and commitment of the numerous faculty she worked with over the decades.

The college noted that the Presidential Medallion was given to Ellen Schuler Mauk because her "contributions during her 43-year career with Suffolk County Community College distinguished her service to a level worthy of institutional appreciation."

Congratulations, Ellen!